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Hope Again
Young people coping with bereavement and living after loss. A website from Cruse Bereavement.

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide
A self-help, voluntary organization which aims to meet the needs and break the isolation of those bereaved by the suicide of a close relative or friend.

Young people coping with bereavement and living after loss. A website from Cruse Bereavement.

Child Death Support Helpline
Tel: 0800 282 986. Helpline for anyone affected by the death of a child of any age, from pre-birth to adult, under any circumstances, however recently or long ago.

Bereavement Advice Centre
Tel: 08006 349 494. Supports bereaved people on a range of practical issues via a single free phone number.
Find Help Here.

Child Bereavement UK
Supports families and provides training to professionals both when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement.

We are the advocacy, information and advice helpline for children in Wales. If your life is in a bit of a tangle or you have a problem and need to speak to someone, Meic is for you. Online Chat, phone or text.