A charity dedicated to #StopStigma and change mental health for good. Tel: 0300 304 7000

TGP Cymru
Do you live in Cardiff? Are you aged between 11-19 and have a mental or emotional health issue?

British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) can provide details of accredited therapists.

Advice for young people at risk of suicide. Tel: 08000 684 141 Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org Text: 07786 209697

24-hour support for anyone experiencing distress, despair or suicidal thoughts. Tel: 116 123 (24/7 – FREE)

Hearing Voices Network
Hearing Voices Network
A support group providing information, support and understanding to people who hear voices and those who support them.

Community Advice & Listening Line (CALL)
Emotional support and information on mental health to the people of Wales.

We are the advocacy, information and advice helpline for children in Wales. If your life is in a bit of a tangle or you have a problem and need to speak to someone, Meic is for you. Online Chat, phone or text.

Team Around the Family (TAF
Team Around the Family (TAF) aim to work with families to help them identify their strengths and needs and make their own family plans to guide them towards their goals.

Place2Be provides emotional and therapeutic services in primary and secondary schools, building children’s resilience through talking, creative work and play.

Kooth.com is a free, anonymous, confidential online counselling service for young people aged 11-19 years. You can talk to a trained counsellor about anything that’s bothering you no matter how little or big.

Cadarn provides targeted interventions for children young people and families in Cardiff in respect of their emotional health and wellbeing.

Information, guidance, therapeutic tools & options for young people. It gives support & techniques to help deal with negative thoughts & feelings associated with self-harm & reassures young people that they are not alone.

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
For therapists and practitioners in your area.

Cardiff Family Advice and Support
A range of information, advice and assistance for children, young people and their families in Cardiff.